
“见过几个人,但都觉得不太合适。” 逗比青年这么答: 1. "Yes, and he's already got two kids of his own, so you'll get those grandchildren you've been waiting for!" “有男友啊,他已经有两个孩子了。你不是一直想要外孙吗,这下你的愿望可以一步到位了!” 2. "N...

3. What have you enjoyed most about working here? 您工作在这儿最喜欢的一点是什么? 4. Do you have any hesitations about my qualifications? 您对我的资质经历有什么疑虑吗? 5. H...

坚持住;挺住 2. You can make it! 你能做到! make it有“达到预期目的,获得成功”的意思。 3. What do you have to lose? 反正你又不吃亏。 关系比较亲密的人之间才用这句话哦。担心失...

You can do this Tonight !! (8-Sep) 如果别人问你 “你是不是很忙啊?” 该怎么回答呢 ? 不回答... 如果你真的很忙,你是没有时间来回答这个问题的,所以必须不回答。如果你还有时间来回答这个问题,那意味着你其实不是很忙。如果你真的非常忙都还回答这个问题,那意味着...

▷Just a heads up - we're going to have to meet soon. 先跟你说一声,我们很快会见面的。 ▷I wanted to give you a heads up that I'll be sending you the revised form for your a...

更多内容请点击:过年亲戚问有对象吗?你知道用英语怎么回答? 推荐文章